
Service contact (administrators only): "EVO Portal", Perkin Elmer website.

Incubation: Heating and CO2 controller available. No humidity control (use closed samples if necessary).

Objectives: 5x, 20x, 40x (all air).

Light/optics: 4x LED light source (can activate only 1 source at the same time), 4x emission filter (UV / green / red / far-red), Spinning disc optics. 1x top-down-LED (740 nm, for morphology, using transparent-top samples).

Camera: 4.7 Megapixel sCMOS.

Light path/wavelengths

Excitation windows available:

Detection windows available:

What about my specific excitation line?
For fluorophores with an excitation peak at for example 510, use the closest available light source: 475 nm


Skirt height
Difference between plate-edge height, and imaging surface height
Important value to enter into machine: 0-1.5 mm range allowed.
Can measure the height of unknown plates using the Operetta with the 20x objective.


Around the sample area:

Plate loading:

The whole system is process-oriented
(re)configuration and data generation are alternating.

Located under menus always reveal more detailed settings.

Setting up for imaging:

Z-stacks yes/no?
It is possible to disable "use z-stack in test", to test with only single-plane images
If you want no stack acquisition upon running the actual experiment, simply select "0 planes"

Use overview image to pick interesting regions
Using "Test Images", and marking regions, right-click and "use as background for well" for a visual aid for selecting further regions.

Run experiment

Loose info pieces:

Operetta CLS: z-steps > 100 nm

Fluorescent staining strategy,

To facilitate auto-detection in subsequent image analysis steps:

a) stain cells with target marker

b) stain cytosol separately (eg. CellMask Blue)

c) stain nuclei separately



The PC is running a live image data and image analysis server.