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One PhD


position in the Marie-Curie Initial Training Network "



The Marie-Curie ITN "PoLiMeR" (Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation) implements a systems medicine approach, based on computational models fed with individual patient data, to provide the basis for a personalised diagnosis and treatment strategy for metabolic diseases. The PoLiMeR consortium has identified the inherited, liver-related diseases of glycogen and lipid metabolism as the ideal starting point for innovative research training in personalised ‘Systems Medicine’. The project is coordinated by Prof. Barbara Bakker, University of Groningen. The consortium includes clinicians, experimental biologists, and theoretical biologists, who will form intense collaborations to understand mechanisms of various energy metabolism-related disorders.


INNOTARGETS": Modelling the metabolism of S. aureus in conjugation with the host


The aim of INNOTARGETS is to train a new generation of early stage researchers (ESRs) in highly innovative approaches to identify metabolic drug targets in pathogenic bacteria, withtechnical skills which are attractive to both industry and academia. In addition to state of the approaches to target identification, they will be equipped with complementary skills deemed important for research team leaders. Each ESR will have an individual profile according to his/her own career dream, and they will be capable of life-long self-directed learning. Twelve ESRs will work closely together in the INNOTARGETS network solving scientific questions related to metabolism of bacteria in the host, mathematical modelling for target identification and toxicity prediction, adaptation of resistant bacteria to treatment, spread of resistance and improved methods for target identification.

Opportunities for one Early Stage Researcher

The Institute of Quantitative and Theoretical Biology at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf is seeking outstanding candidates for two one Early Stage ResearchersResearcher (ESRsESR).

The successful candidates will be developing mathematical models to study carbohydrate polymer metabolism in humans, and in particular to explain the causal effects of enzymatic disorders on human health. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with experimental and clinical partners within PoLiMeR. We specifically look for candidates for the following two projects:

Mathematical modelling of glycogen metabolism and glycogen-related disorders

The PhD student will develop a computational model to study overall dynamics of glycogen formation and analyse which parameters determine the structural properties of glycogen, such as branching pattern and size. The PhD student will reproduce metabolic disorders related to glycogen metabolism and develop intervention strategies how to counteract glycogen-related metabolic disorders by drug applications.

Dynamic computational modelling of lipid synthesis and storage in the human liver


candidate will develop a genome-scale metabolic model of Staphylococcus aureus. The basis for model development will be more than 50 fully sequenced and published genomes. The model will be interrogated with constraint-based techniques, such as Flux Balance Analysis (FBA), to answer relevant medical questions. These include the prediction of putative targets how metabolism of S. aureus can be interrupted without affecting the human host cells, for which reason the metabolism of host cells will also be considered. Moreover, available expression data will be integrated into the model to assess how metabolic activities change during the course of infection, and how it differs between different S. aureus clones. As part of the project, the student will carry out research at University of Copenhagen to validate model predictions, and he/she will further participate in development of in situ toxicity-prediction-tools during a visit to the pharmaceutical company, ABAC, Barcelona, Spain. The ESR will also participate in network-wide training activities. 

Your profile

  • MSc in Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Physics, or any other natural science
  • Strong mathematical skills
  • A keen interest in biology and medicine
  • Curiosity and open-mindedness
  • Ability to work individually as well as a member of a team
