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Unless otherwise specified, the Theory Seminar takes place Thursday, 11am, in the QTB Meeting Room

WS 2017/2018

7.9.2017Stefanie Müller (Uni Bonn)Probing Photosynthesis in Chloroplasts via Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Biosensors
21.9.2017Zita Soons (Maastricht)


19.1.2017Jorge Casal (Universidad de Buenos Aires)Signalling networks in plant responses to a complex environment
26.1.2017Yulia Yuzenkova

Ancient correction mechanism for modern mistakes: the case of cyanobacterial transcription

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9.3.2017Niclas Nordholt (VU Amsterdam)

Gene expression in single Bacillus subtilis cells

new date!
30.3.2017Anjuli Manche ( More, Rediscover Less - an open access platform to find and share life science protocols


The detailed know-how to implement research protocols frequently remains restricted to the research group that developed the method or technology. This knowledge often exists at a level that is too detailed for inclusion in the methods section of scientific articles. Consequently, methods are not easily reproduced, leading to a loss of time and effort by other researchers. The challenge is to develop a method-centered collaborative platform to connect with fellow researchers and discover state-of-the-art knowledge. is an open-access platform for detailing, sharing, and discussing molecular and computational protocols that can be useful before, during, and after publication of research results.
