Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
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Z:\OMERO_in-place_import\AG_Xyz\Max_Mustermann_mamu100\--   2023-06-19_grp1\   image1.czi
|                  |    image1.tiff
|                  |    image2.czi
|                  |    image2.tiff
|-- 2023-06-19_grp2\-- details\ sample1_detail.tiff
|                  |          |   sample2_detail.tiff
|                  |
|                  |-- overview\ sample1_overview.tiff
|                              |   sample2_overview.tiff
|-- 2023-06-20_grp3\ image3.czi
                 |   image1.tiff image3.tiff

Case 1:
- Project:ID:123 (new datasets will be generated and attached to the project with ID 123)
- Main folder path: Z:\OMERO_in-place_import\AG_Xyz\Max_Mustermann_mamu100\2023-06-19_grp1
- File names: *.czi

Dataset "2023-06-19_grp1" with images "image1.czi" and "image2.czi"

The given main folder path directly match the folder with the images to import. That folder name only is used to name the new dataset.
The File names parameter uses a wildcard * followed by the file extension ".czi". This will match the two czi files only for import.

Case 2:
- Project:ID:123 (new datasets will be generated and attached to the project with ID 123)
- Main folder path: Z:\OMERO_in-place_import\AG_Xyz\Max_Mustermann_mamu100
- File names: 2023-06*/*.czi

Dataset "2023-06-19_grp1" with images "image1.czi" and "image2.czi"
Dataset "2023-06-20_grp3" with image "image3.czi"

The given main folder path directly match the user folder. The file names contain folder names, that are used to name the new datasets.
2023-06* matches all three folders "2023-06-19_grp1", "2023-06-19_grp2", "2023-06-20_grp3". However, no image in 2023-06-19_grp2 match the rest of the path "*.czi", so no dataset is generated for it.
"image1.czi", "image2.czi" and "image3.czi" from the two other folders however match "*.czi" and thus are imported