Versionen im Vergleich


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Every monday at 9:15 am, we have our group meeting in the seminar room. There is an option to join over zoom as well, the link is pinned in the "groupstuffallgemein" Slack channel. 

The meeting follows the general outline: 

  1. Lena opens the meeting
  2. 1-2 Presentations of each 25 min + questions/ comments.
  3. Groupstuff - any matters that are of relevance to the whole group can be discussed here. You can also put these matters in the "meetingminutes" canvas (Slack), either marked with your initials or anononymously. 

After the presentation: upload the .pptx or .pdf file to the file server (W:\Group\Presentations).

Attendance is mandatory, except if discussed otherwise with Lena.


Length: 5 + 20min + questions 

Safety moment: 5min at the beginning of the presentation, regarding a safety topic of choice (with relevance to our daily work/ to the lab).

Presentation: 20min talk about your project. Includes a brief introduction to the topic (expand this section if many people recently joined), a discussion of recent results and problems. Make sure to use appropriate slide design, see below.

Questions/ Comments: I guess that is self-explanatory. 

titleHHU slide design



These are the official HHU presentation outlines and sample slides.