Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


Widget Connector


  • Q1: How can I modify the histogram of images?

See            See howto: OMERO histogram

  • Q2: How can I search for data of specifics user?

See            See howto: OMERO search

  • Q3: How can I share images between different groups without duplicating the data completely?

See            See howto: OMERO data sharing

  • Q4: I'm a group owner, how can I modify the users in my group?

See            See howto: OMERO group owner

  • Q5: How can I upload images into OMERO?

See            See howto: OMERO upload (OMERO.insight)

  • Q6: How can I download images from OMERO?

See            See howto: OMERO download

  • Q7: How can I retrieve a web link that directs to my OMERO project?

See            See howto: OMERO web link

  • Q8: How to install OMERO.insight?

See            See howto: OMERO upload (OMERO.insight)

Tips & Tricks from Université côte d'Azur

Additional information:

OMERO and OMERO.figure Tips & Tricks (see website university Côte d'Azur, Sophie Abélanet)
