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Part of CEPLAS Grad School offer

Place and Time: (QTB Institute meeting room)

May 18 2016, Wednesday 15:30-18:30

May 19 2016, Thursday 15:00-18:00

May 20 2016, Friday 10:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:00

Contact: succurro [AT] ; Office

Doodle about dates and OS:

Dates: May 19-20, 2016

Place and Time: TBD

Aim of the 2-day course

These lectures are aimed at early-stage scientists with little or no previous experience with the LaTeX markup language. At the end of the course the participants will know how to structure a document, how to include the most commonly used floating environments and , how to manage bibliographic references and what extra packages they can use. Depending on time availability we will take a look at templates for theses and templates from scientific journals that ask you to send your work in LaTeX format.


  • If you use mendeley to manage your literature collection, you can export your references in bibTeX format and use it directly for your document
  • Any kind of computer language - I obtain resume .tex files automatically from scripts


Shared Material

Material for LaTeX: Slides and additional material


It is mandatory to arrive with a working LaTeX installation. This includes an editor of your choice, you can try different ones and opt for the preferred one. Here you can find installation instructions and a list of some available editors, but feel free to google and choose others. I only use Linux OS but if you have troubles with installation on Windows/Mac machines please get in touch reasonably soon.

Linux installation

Usually Linux OS come already with a LaTeX installation, check by running

$ latex

from shell. In order to have already the most commonly used packages installed it is recommended to extend the basic installation. In Fedora systems do

$ dnf install texlive-collection-latexrecommended texlive-collection-latexextra

In Debian systems do

$ apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended texlive-collection-latexextra

Windows installation

Follow instructions in

Mac installation

 Follow instructions in