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Sometimes it is needed to see access the same data in different groups. To avoid data duplication it is possible to create so called hardlinks that lead to different object IDs within OMERO, while the physical, underlying data is not replicated. Hardlinks can be deleted individually without affecting the physical data. Only when the very last hardlink is deleted, the physical data gets deleted. The individual objects have distinct annotations within OMERO and can be therefore handled independently.

Step-by-step guide: How can I share images between different groups without duplicating the data completely?

Main steps:

  1. Create hardlinks
  2. Move hardlinks to another group

Detailed description:

  • First you have to select the Dataset(s) or Image(s) you would like to share across different groups. You can select one or multiple (use "Shift") objects, but only of type "Dataset" or "Image" (Projects are not supported).
  • Call the "Duplicate Across Groups" script.

Image Modified

Image Modified

  • Run the script.

Image Added

The Dataset/Image IDs are automatically pre-filled if you selected the target files before calling the script!

Image Removed

  • The progress can be seen in the "Activities" log.

Image Modified

  • Refresh your browser. Duplicated Datasets appear without project in your group's Data, while duplicated single Images appear in the "Orphaned Images" folder.

Image Modified

Image Modified

  • User right-click on the duplicated object to use "Move to Group".

Image Modified

  • Select the target group (only groups are displayed, that are associated with your user).

Image Modified

  • Select the target project or create a new one. The system will only list Projects that are owned by your user.

Image Modified

  • Refresh your browser to see that the images have been moved successfully. The


  • Activies Log will also contain


  • information about the progress.

Image Modified

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