Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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  • Prepare a coverslip with a droplet of rhodamine, and find focus using the edge of the drop (that is a sharp line, then go into the drop a bit and start measuring)
  • Perform a continuous FCS measurement existing pre-set settings: 488 nm, point-scan, cw laser (argon)
  • this happens at 500 KHz repetition (of detector), but is with CW laser so you can't draw lifetime conclusions
  • Get diffusion time. During the course, we saw 32 µs for rhodamine.
  • Reveal count rate: how many events per molecule do we detect in the setup?
  • Correction collar: Maximize this number by adjusting the objective correction collar. That is the optimal correction.
  • Pinhole alignment: Can be simply used here to automatically optimize X and Y position of pinhole based on intensity.

SymPhoTime first, start observing photons


  • Get the real sample ready for mounting (eg. imaging chamber out of the incubator)
  • Select pre-set settings that include 488/561, continuous, focus on the well, select a nice cell that has both constructs
  • Zoom to fill the screen with the sample, instead of having a majority of black pixels
  • Then select different pre-sets in ZEN, 485 only, 256x256 px, 40 frames time course
  • SymPhoTime: confirm that the settings match the new pre-set settings in ZEN
  • Start in SymPhoTime
  • Start in ZEN (sends a trigger to SymPhoTime, to start the measurement)
  • Evaluate the detection rate. Ideally, we count number of photons/second at 5% (160000/sec) of the repetition rate (32 MHz)
  • At minimum, we pick up at least 1000/second.

Routine loop: go find another cell

  • In ZEN, switch back to "standard" GFP/RFP settings, and find another cell that has comparable, good expression levels.
  • Focus and zoom the cells, go back to pre-set measurement settings for flim (eg. 485 etc.)
  • Start in SymPhoTime, start in ZEN, wait for acquisition.
  • Interpret, and evaluate data. Besides judging expression level from images, count rate can also be used to compare between cells.
  • Record data in existing template word file.
  • Always include a donor-only control!