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This page contains a collection of presentations (posters and talks) given by QTB group members all around the world.




Conferences and Workshops

ISGSB 2016, Jena, October 4-7 2016

IBCarb/PHYCONET Algal Polysaccharides Workshop, Edinburgh, July 14/15, 2016
  • Oliver Ebenhöh: Flash Presentation "Polysaccharide Metabolism in silico: Conceptual Challenges and Approaches" (FlashEbenhoeh.pdf)
April 2016 YAS/ENCAPP(Young Algaeneers Symposium / European Networks Conference On Algal And Plant Photosynthesis)
  • Ines Hotopp: Poster at YAS and ENCAPP 2016 in Malta: Algae delivering waste phosphorus to soil and crops (YAS_ENCAPP_2016_Hotopp.pdf)
Other events





Ringvorlesung Plant Sciences, HHU, May 21st, Düsseldorf (in German for undergrad students)

Quantitative und Theoretische Biologie an der HHU Düsseldorf
