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19.1.2017Jorge Casal (Universidad de Buenos Aires)Signalling networks in plant responses to a complex environment
26.1.2017Yulia Yuzenkova

Ancient correction mechanism for modern mistakes: the case of cyanobacterial transcription

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9.3.2017Niclas Nordholt (VU Amsterdam)

Gene expression in single Bacillus subtilis cells

new date!
30.3.2017Anjuli Manche ( More, Rediscover Less - an open access platform to find and share life science protocols


The detailed know-how to implement research protocols frequently remains restricted to the research group that developed the method or technology. This knowledge often exists at a level that is too detailed for inclusion in the methods section of scientific articles. Consequently, methods are not easily reproduced, leading to a loss of time and effort by other researchers. The challenge is to develop a method-centered collaborative platform to connect with fellow researchers and discover state-of-the-art knowledge. is an open-access platform for detailing, sharing, and discussing molecular and computational protocols that can be useful before, during, and after publication of research results.


25.2.2016Karsten Zecher, University of Münster

Model systems for investigating interkingdom interaction between marine diatoms and heterotrophic bacteria

3.3.2016Edwin Weusthof, AvantesSomething on spectrometers, including demonstration
17.3.2016Hugo Dourado, HHU Bioinf

Cells Balance Enzyme and Metabolite Concentrations to Optimally Utilize their Compartments

7.4.2016Julia Weißenbach, CAU Kiel

Evolution and functional diversification of groES/L paralogs in C. fritschii PCC 6912

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12.5.2016Marek Mutwil, MPIMP Potsdam-GolmBeyond genomics: evolutionary analysis of co-expression networks reveals biased organization of gene modules in plants
19.5.2016Jean-Pierre Mazat, U Bordeaux

Virtual mitochondrion: stochastic modelling of the respiratory complexes

2.6.2016Markus KollmannTensorFlow
Summer Break
8.9.2016Douglas Murray, TsuruokaYeast Metabolic Oscillations and other cool stuff
13.10.2016Oliver EbenhöhBiothermokinetics of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham Cycle
27.10.2016Manuela Peukert, BioCentre CologneStatistical analysis of untargeted LC-MS data sets - How to find right candidate compound?
24.11.2016Giovanni Finazzi, CEA GrenobleStructural and functional bases of optimum photosynthesis in diatoms