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You might ask yourself what that is - an Einstand. Basically, an Einstand is a party to celebrate a new beginning and yourself for starting your PhD.

Organising a party can be a bit daunting - especially at university with all the special regulations and things that need taking care of! So here is a little guide to lead you along

Here are a few things that are worth considering:

  • if the party takes place in the Daumann Social Room, you have to register the Veranstaltung with the university. 
  • invite all people via SlackSlack  - a lowkey post about your upcoming Einstand should be enough and the word will soon spread around slightly smiling face 
  • if you are grilling, you will need special permission by the university and fill in a form. You can find more information at Gebäudedezernat 3.6 and by searching for "GrillRH HHU" on the internet.