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First of all: please note that you only required to take care of STEP 1-3 of the below steps before your first day

  1. Lena will organise your keys, add you to Slack and prepare your contract. Check with her whether you should come by before you official starting date to pick up keys. 
  2. Once you have your contract, you will receive your IDM (Identity Management Number or university username) via post - this letter will contain all information about activation and what to use it for. 
  3. Create a Google Account/ Email. Contact Rachel from your university email account (to avoid being classified Spam), explaining that you are starting in the group, when your will start, what your future role will be and stating that you need permissions and if applicable, a laptop. Include the adress of your new Google Account in the email and your IDM. You don't need to add more information, Rachel will know what to do. 
    It is recommended to create a new Google Account/ Email adress for work-related purposes to ensure a work-life-balance.
  4. Rachel will also have set up your new laptop and give it to you on your first day.
    Please note that this laptop is only intended for work-related usage and does not replace a private laptop!
  5. Check with Kora for the Website. Make an appointment for a photo and write a little introduction to yourself (check under Team for examples).
  6. If your already have the IDM - go to the Wiki pages on IT-Setup. Read through them and install whatever is required for your work. 

  7. You can start now the registration process for the PhD (if applicable to you).

It is custom to bring a cake and organise a Party (Einstand) when starting new in group. Both does not need to happen in the first week - just don't be surprised or offended when people keep nagging about it. It's just a tradition slightly smiling face .

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