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Put you order request for general stuff here.

Put your order request for chemicals here.

Guidelines for ordering:  

  • ZCL 500€ Limit for everyone. When ordering new speciality chemicals, ask Lena before if the price is over 100€ per g.
  • When ordering expensive chemicals (e.g. bromopyren, Pipes) you can order them if the price has not changed significantly, otherwise ask Lena
  • Office/ stationary items: 500€ Limit. Everything above is with Bedarfsanschaffung via Lena/Alex anyways. Tessa will ask around in the secretary slack channel 2-3 days before she orders at Lyreco and co so people can get their orders in time 
  • Amazon Business limit 200€
  • Bedarfsanforderungen for equipment and large orders of consumables go via Lena/Alex. They will inquire with the ordering person should that be necessary
  • non-chemical orders: If you want to be able to make non-chemical orders, add the item and a link to the Upgrade HHU orders sheet, Nick/Alex will order them for you. 
  • If you want to order from amazon, use the Viewing Credentials for Amazon Business (Email:, PW: DAUMANNforTHEwin123!!) - if you just access, you will see results that are not available in Business mode. Make sure to check that the bill is provided by amazon and not a third provider!! 
  • chemical orders: Put the required information into the Chemical Orders sheet, and Nick or Burcu will take care of the order. Check ZCL supply first. Always provide a reference link, CAS- and order number if chemicals are not available at ZCL, so the ordering persons can see what you want easily.  
  • Please make sure that when you order chemicals and consumables that you need for research that you also pay for them from third-party funds and do not simply book everything to ETAT!  If you are unsure, please just ask Lena. This also applies to solvents, chemicals etc.
    • Everything with iron complexes and with immobilization to FOR
    • Everything related to GC-MS, epigenetics (no matter if enzymes or 5mC) to SFB1309
    • Everything with lanthanoids/PQQ to SFB4f4f
    • Everything ERC-related to ERC (except lanthanoid salts), HPLC and LC-MS solvents, Orgins of Life also to ERC
    • Everything with MDH to the MDH DFG project
  • For those ordering, make sure that things that belong together on a grant are ordered together, whenever possible. Otherwise it will be difficult to split invoices later. For ERC, it must be on a single invoice. So always order ERC separately, never together with other stuff
  • ONLY praktikum (practical teaching lab) chemicals go through ETAT (or ZUSL or QVM)
  • All equipment that belongs to Grundaustattung i.e. basic lab equipment such as hot plates, mini centrifuges (everything with a plug) can not be paid from Third Party funds (Drittmittel) unless specifically applied for. So those things are paid from Berufungsmittel, ETAT, QV/ZUSL or ERC Overhead. Inquire with Lena if unsure.
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