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If you want to register a barbecue event, so this several weeks in advance! Reserve "Grillplatz No. 6" by filling in this Anmeldeformular Grillen. Phone Frau Bauhaus and inform her about your plans, then send her the Anmeldeformular. She and her collegues will come back to you with more information and send you all other documents that are required. 

Only register the Grillplatz until 10 pm (22:00) in the night, as otherwise you will have to get special permission! 

Any parties that take place in our own rooms do not need registration - but think about whether people might want to go outside and play games there. If so, register the Grillplatz anyways. 

Contact Frau Bauhaus from the Gebäudedezernat 3.6 (Infrastrukturelles) if you have any questions. She and her collegues are most(ly) helpful and even approve of short-notice registrations if it does not happen regularly. 

If you have trouble accessing the documents, connect to the HHU VPN. 

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