
Linux distributions already come with python pre-installed.

However, it is recommended to use 'virtual environments' instead of installing dependencies globally.

You can create a virtual environment (here called "env") like this:

user@machine:~$ python3 -m venv env

To activate the virtual environment, use:

user@machine:~$ source env/bin/activate

You can now install additional packages via pip into your virtual environment:

(env) user@machine:~$  pip install jupyter numpy

To start a Jupyter notebook server, open the terminal (Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+t)  and enter:

  (env) user@machine:~$ jupyter notebook 

A web browser will open automatically.


It is probably easiest to  install python and additional packages via anaconda.

Download anaconda from here (you will most likely want the 64-Bit Graphical Installer (466 MB))

and follow the installation instructions (see also ).

You can accept the defaults.


Once Anaconda is installed, open the "Anaconda Navigator" and install/Launch Jupyter (it should be listed when channel "base" is selected as source).

A browser will open.

For keeping things organized, create a new  folder and rename it. Then switch to your folder and  add a new python 3 notebook.

  • Keine Stichwörter