Versionen im Vergleich


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  1.   You should start a new screen session: `screen -S spike`.
  2.   Since the login node has very limited resources, you should start an new interactive gird job, with medium memory, one node and one core, but relatively long runtime:


    qsub -I -A ngsukdkohi -l mem=10GB -l walltime="40:59:50,nodes=1:ppn=1"

  3.   navigate to your `spike` clone and make sure you configure `spike` correctly (docs to be come), specifically `snupy` credentials and selection of samples to be processed.
  4.   Trigger a dry run of the pipeline by using the `-n` flag of snakemake and check that everything looks good:


    snakemake --cluster-config cluster.json --cluster "qsub -A {cluster.account} -q {cluster.queue} -l select={cluster.nodes}:ncpus{cluster.ppn}:mem={cluster.mem} -l walltime={cluster.time}" -j 100 --latency-wait 900 --use-conda --cluster-status scripts/ --max-status-checks-per-second 1 --keep-going -p -r -

  5.   (During development of `spike` it happened to me that `snakemake` wanted to re-execute long running programs because of changes in the Snakefiles, but it would produce identical results. To avoid the waste of compute, I am sometimes "touching" output files to update the time stamp such that snakemake will not reinvoke execution. This harbours the risk of computing with outdated or even incomplete intermediate results! Be careful: replace `-n` with `--touch`.
  6.   Trigger actual snakemake run, by removing `-n` (and `--touch`) from the above command.
