Versionen im Vergleich


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# Load dependencies
set reqs "hpc_basis"
source /software/modules/common/common.tcl

set softwareName "Test-Software"
set softwareVersion "1.0"
# installation base folder of software
set softwareInstallFolder [resolvePath /software/$softwareName/$softwareVersion/REPLACE]

set msg "Sets environment variables for $softwareName $softwareVersion"

# Can be modified
set bin_dir "$softwareInstallFolder/bin"
set includes "$softwareInstallFolder/include"
set libs "$softwareInstallFolder/lib"
set uses_python "1"

# Should not be changed

proc ModulesHelp { } {
    global hpc_basis_version

    puts stderr "\t$msg"

module-whatis "$msg"

if { ! [ file isdirectory $softwareInstallFolder ] } {
    puts stderr "\n!!!ERROR!!!\n"
    puts stderr "$softwareName not available for architecture ${::env(ARCH)}!"
    puts stderr "$softwareInstallFolder does not exist"

if {[string compare $bin_dir ""] != 0} {
    prepend-path PATH $bin_dir

if {[string compare $libs ""] != 0} {
    prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH $libs
    prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $libs

if {[string compare $includes ""] != 0} {
    prepend-path INCLUDE $includes
    prepend-path C_INCLUDE_PATH $includes
    prepend-path CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH $includes
    prepend-path INCLUDE_PATH $includes
    prepend-path LD_INCLUDE_PATH $includes

if {[string compare $ uses$uses_python ""] != 0} { 
	set p_version "python${::env(PYTHON_VERSION)}"
	set p_libdir [string range $p_version 0 8]
 	prepend-path PYTHONPATH $root$softwareInstallFolder/lib/$libdir$p_libdir/site-packages
# Additional Paths
# prepend-path PATH $softwareInstallFolder/scripts

if { [ module-info mode load ] &&  ! [ catch {exec tty -s} ] } {
    puts stderr "\n  $softwareName ($softwareVersion)"
    puts stderr "  |--------------------------------------------------------------~o"
    if {[string compare $bin_dir ""] != 0} {
        puts stderr "    binaries  : $bin_dir"
    if {[string compare $libs ""] != 0} {
        puts stderr "    libs       : $libs"
    if {[string compare $includes ""] != 0} {
        puts stderr "    includes  : $includes"
