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BOOK: Popper, K. R. (1935) Logik der Forschung. Springer, Wien 

BOOK: Jaynes, E. T. (2003) Probability Theory. Cambridge University Press. A somewhat different view on probability and statistics.

LaTeX and RStudio


Brief introduction to LaTeX




You can of course copy-paste your R code in LaTeX (using e.g. the package listings for syntax formatting) and save graphics to include, but here the advantage is:


This enables the creation of dynamic reports that are updated automatically if data or analysis changes.




This means Sweave is very useful for "on going" projects, where things are expected to change, as well as quick notes on something you are working on.


LaTex in RStudio

First, install the knitr




> install.packages("knitr")

Set knitr as default for Rnw files




Open a new file of type "R Sweave", it will automatically contain:




This is the basic of a LaTeX document. You can write something like:






%\usepackage[hdivide={2cm, *, 2cm}, vscale=0.85]{geometry}




\title{Correlation analysis of the wildlings' deaths and the rise of white walkers}

\author{John Snow}






 save the file (the authomatic file extension will be .Rnw) and try to compile the file ("Compile PDF" button). You should be prompted a PDF: congratulations, this is your first LaTeX file!


Readapting the file to work with knitr, we can add this example of including a plot in LaTeX from a R built-in dataframe:


<<boxplot, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=

boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality)


\caption{This is some caption.\label{lab}}



Coming soon