Versionen im Vergleich


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There are currently four five different conda modules.

For normal usage utilize Miniconda/3. If you want to use conda within snakemake or have other specific needs you can try Miniconda/3_noInit or Miniconda/3_snakemake.

Miniconda/3.1 uses a newer version of Python (3.10.8) and pip.


If activating your conda environment works for you in interactive mode but not in batch mode, then you might need to source your files .bashrc and .bash_profile. This is because in interactive mode you'll get a login shell but in batch mode not. In your jobscript such a solution could look as follows:

#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=X:mem=XGB
#PBS -l walltime=X:00:00

# source bash
source $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bash_profile
conda activate SOME_ENV
