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Central HPC at HHU

The central HPC system "HILBERT" at the University of Düsseldorf is available for all scientist. The scientists at HHU. Currently, this HPC systems consists of 210 nodes for a mixed usage between multiple scientific communities. Overall there are 5856 cores and 246 gpus with 80TB 254 nodes, designed for tasks with various requirements for the individual scientific institutions at HHU. Overall, there are 7480 cores and 250 GPUs with 86.7 TB of main memory in total. All nodes have between 24 and 128 cores available.  Typical Memory configuration of the nodes is 128GB ,256GB ,512GBNodes with 8 up to 128 processor cores are available. Typical memory configurations of the nodes are 128 GB, 192 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB, 1 TB, 1.5 TB, 2 TB and 3TB. The interconnect between all nodes is Infiniband FDR 3 TB. All these nodes are interconnected via InfiniBand FDR, with a bandwidth of 56gbit200 Gbit/s or more. For The scientific data there is stored on a parallel file system with 3.6 petabyte usage capacity , which is backed up to a secondary site, with a usage capacity of 4.8 PB.