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Information on how to enrol as a doctoral researcher (= student status; gives access to HHU card, NRW Ticket, reduced mensa pricing, general student discounts) can be found here - you will need to pay the full semester fee to do so. Please note that you can only do this after you have written confirmation of your acceptance by the Promotionsbüro. 


iGRAD - The Graduate Academy of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - is the graduate school for our department. They offer workshops (mandatory minimum of three workshops + good scientific practise training). 

Tipp: attending the good scientific practise workshop online is the general inofficial recommendation by previous attendees. Most other workshop are worth attending in person. 

iGRAD is a support service and graduate school that provides services (workshops, career services, scholarship information and counselling) to PhD applicants, doctoral researchers and PostDocs. Lena is an official iGRAD supervisor, but participation in the iGRAD scheme is not mandatory. For more information on iGRAD, choose the respective header that applies for you. Register as a member, and fill in the form for PhD students. Send a digital copy to igrad@hhu.deand a hardcopy to [iGRAD; Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Universitätsstr. 1; Building: 26.11; Floor/Room: O0.2; 40225 Düsseldorf].
titleiGRAD workshops

iGRAD - The Graduate Academy of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - is the graduate school for our department. They offer workshops (mandatory minimum of three workshops + good scientific practise training). 

Tipp: attending the good scientific practise workshop online is the general inofficial recommendation by previous attendees. Most other workshop are worth attending in person. 

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cqllabel in ("new","student","arriving") and type = "page" and space = "BIOAC"
labelsArriving New student
