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This page contains a collection of presentations (posters and talks) given by QTB group members all around the world.

Lecture by Oliver Ebenhöh at the Thematic Research School aDVANCES IN SYSTEMS AND SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY, March 25th 2015, Strasbourg:

Mathematical Models of Plant Energy Metabolism - Towards synthetic starch


Oliver's presentation on the DesignStarch project at the ERA-CAPS grant holders workshop, May 8th 2015, Lisbon:

Designing Starch - Harnessing Carbohydrate Polymer Synthesis in Plants


Ringvorlesung Plant Sciences, HHU, May 21st, Düsseldorf (in German for undergrad students)

Quantitative und Theoretische Biologie an der HHU Düsseldorf


Elahe gave an update to the sLoLa project partner in July in Rothamsted:




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