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For the activation of the ID please open in your browser.

Click at "Anmelden am IDM" (Login to IDM).


Enter your Matriculation Number and your initial password. You'll find both in your enrollment documents.


Enter a password with at least 12 characters. You can use letters (upper and lower case), numbers and the following special characters: ! $ % $ @ , + : - # "  ( ) * . / ; < = > ?

The following special characters are not allowed: § ß Ö Ü Ä ö ü ä €

Repeat the password in the second line.

Click "Passwort ändern" (Change Password).

Your ID is now activated.



The password belonging to the HHU identifier may never be used on other platforms such as private e-mail services, online banking or when making purchases via the Internet. This is required by HHU's IT usage regulations. 

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