If you want to sign or encode your personal e-mails or your PDFs, you need a User Certificate.

  • The certificate is valid for one e-mail address only and is edited for your main e-mail address at the HHU.
  • If the e-mail addresses of the sender and of the certificate are different, the recipient gets a warning notice. This should be avoided.
  • You can own 5 certificates at the same time. As soon as you create a sixth certificate, the oldest one will automatically be deleted.


You don’t know your main e-mail address?

Log in at the IDM (idm.hhu.de) and check your main mail address at "My Profile" → "EMail".

To change your main e-mail address, follow this instruction.

Your Certificate expires?

There’s no possibility to prolong the certificate. You have to apply for a new one (before the old one expires). Further information you find lower on this page.

Instruction: Apply for a User Certificate

Click on the following Link to get on the Sectigo page: Applying for User Certificate 

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Choose the HHU by inserting "HHU", "Heinrich" or similar into the search box. By clicking on → „Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf“you are led further to the Login window.

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In the Login window, you put in your university ID as user name and the according password. Then click on → „Anmelden“.

Now the attributes that are delivered to Sectigo are listed:

  • Your name
  • Mail address
  • Institution (here: HHU Düsseldorf).

These Informations are needed to assign the certificate to your person and e-mail address. By clicking on → „Accept“ you are directed further.

Now there is shown the name the certificate is issued for, the institution you belong to, and the e-mail address the certificate is valid for. Choose now the Certificate Profile. For the distribution of signed and encoded e-mails and the signing of PDFs the → „Géant Personal Certificate“.


(Notice: "... (but not sign PDF documents)"  → For Adobe Reader there have to be made additional settings.


As → „Term“you set the Validity periodof the certificate: 1, 2 or 3 years ("365 days", "730 days", "1095 days").

As Enrollment Method you can decide between generating a new key → „Key Generation“oruploading an already existing Request → „CSR“*.

In most cases you should choose "Key Generation".

Alternatively you may create a Request / CSR: Create CSR

After setting this information, the whole remaining form can be seen.

Key Generation:

Under → „Key Type“ you may choose between RSAand EC-Pin different Key lengthsWe recommend: RSA-4096


Certificates with the ECC Key Types P-384 and P-256 can only be used for Signature and Authentication, but not for encryption.

Choose a Password to protect the Certificateand to open it after Downloading it. Confirm your Password.

Choose the Protection Algorithm: "Secure AES256-SHA256", the most modern secure one.

Attention: Not all the programs support this standard, there may be issues like: „Das eingegebene Kennwort ist falsch.“, „Fehler im zugrunde liegenden Sicherheitssystem. Ungültigen Anbietertyp angegeben.“ In this case please set up a new certificate with the algorithm: "Compatible TripleDES-SHA1". More Information you find here:  https://doku.tid.dfn.de/de:dfnpki:tcsfaq#auswahl_des_verschluesselungsalgorithmus_fuer_p12-dateien_pkcs_12

To accept the EULA (End User License Agreement), set the according ☑ mark.

Click on → „Submit“. After that you get the notice "Your certificate has been successfully generated" and the certificate (named certs.p12) for Download. Store the Certificate in a file where you easily find it again.

*Alternative: CSR upload

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  1. Upload your previosly generated Request (→„Choose File“) or copy it by Copy & Paste into the input box (→ „paste below“). Now your informations are complete.
  2. Set the ☑ mark to accept the EULA (End User License Agreement).
  3. Click on → „Submit“. After that you get the notice "Your certificate has been successfully generated" and the certificate (named certs.p12) for Download. Store the Certificate in a file where you easily find it again. You don’t receive the Certificate additional per Mail.

Please keep older Certificates stored because you might need them to open older files.

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