As a group owner you have additional permissions within your OMERO group. One important permission is the management of the users within your group.

Step-by-step guide: I'm a group owner, how can I modify the users in my group?

  • Left-click on your profile (top-right within the OMERO web page) > "User Settings".

  • Choose the tab "My Groups" and click on the "Edit" button related with the group you would like to modify.

  • Left-click into the "Members" field will open a list of persons you can add to your group. By writing a part of the name into this field, the list of persons will be filtered.
  • If you found the person you would like to add, click on it to add it to the "Members" field.
  • Afterwards use "Save" to make your change permanent.

More information about the OMERO permission system and the group management can be found on the official support website: and